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Our Integrated Preschool Program serves preschool children, ages three through five, with and without disabilities. Research indicates that young children learn best when activities are hands-on, personalized, and meaningful. This is why our program uses a developmentally appropriate, play-based approach in order to meet the needs of all our students. Our staff uses 1:1 interaction and data tools to learn each student's strengths and grow areas, then creates an environment and experiences unique to meet those needs.

What makes our program special:

  • Students are taught by highly educated professionals licensed in early childhood education
  • Students have two half-day options: morning or afternoon
  • Students take field trips, as well as participate in school-wide events
  • Students work in smaller class sizes, so we are able to meet each student's needs
  • Students participate in weekly physical education, library, music, and art classes


Program Details

You are now able to pay monthly tuition online. Click the image above to make your payment. *Online payment is subject to processing fee.

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Healthchek Services

Healthchek Services for Children Younger than Age 21
The Louisville Integrated Preschool program is required to provide families with information regarding early intervention services, screenings, and programs.

Although the LCSD does not perform the Healthchek, we are happy to provide families with the following information.  Click here to download